Past Clients
Berkowitz & Associates supports research activities spanning the gamut of subject areas, working with more than one thousand clients, comprising more than two thousand projects.
Below is a sampling of Berkowitz & Associates’ client and project list from over 35 years of consulting activity. If you don’t see your subject area on the list, ask about it. The probability is high that Dr. Berkowitz has some experience in the area!
Medical and Allied Health Care Research
At UBC, Dr. Berkowitz has consulted with researchers in many faculties, departments and schools. Of note is his work for the Department of Family Practice, where, for 20 years he consulted with hundreds of residents on their scholarly research projects, and assisted family practitioners with clinical practice research.
A check of his publications record shows the range of medical specialists he has worked with, in anaesthesia, neurology, dermatology, haematology and bone marrow transplant, pain management, ophthalmology, urology, psychology, respirology, geriatrics, pharmaceutical sciences, infectious diseases, physical medicine, reconstructive orthopaedics, radiology, obstetrics and gynaecology, spinal cord research, emergency medicine, and more.

He has also worked with researchers in allied health care areas such as dentistry, rehabilitation sciences, nursing, psychology and counselling psychology, orthotics.
He has worked at all the lower mainland and island research/teaching hospitals: Vancouver General Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital (Providence Health Care), BC Children’s Hospital, BC Women’s Hospital, Mount St. Joseph Hospital, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Greater Victoria Hospital Society; and at ancillary health organizations: Arthritis Society of B.C. and Yukon, Eye Care Centre, Vancouver Breastfeeding Centre, G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre, McCreary Centre Society, North Shore Health, the Tzu Chi Institute, NSQIP (Surgical Quality Improvement Program), BCIT Living Lab.
He was the lead statistician on a series of projects for WorkSafe BC (multivariate predictors of disability from low back injuries), and for the Healthcare Benefit Trust (ultrasonographers surveys, risk-assessment tool for long-term care).
Social Sciences Research

Dr. Berkowitz has consulted on the design, data analysis, and reporting of a wide range of survey research and program evaluation in human resources, corporate culture, social services, and more.
Of note was his role as senior statistician for the Canadian National Child Care Study, a joint research project in the UBC Faculty of Education, University of Victoria, University of Manitoba, University of Guelph, with Statistics Canada.
Other notable projects include an evaluation of outcomes from Adult Basic Education and ESL programs for the Advanced Education Council of B.C.; the development of job seeker assessment tools for the Ontario government; and social and economic impact surveys on behalf of mining companies.
Law, Accounting, and Management Consulting
Dr. Berkowitz has provided litigation support for several large BC law firms, as well as for lawyers in private practice. Of note is his work with Harper Grey LLP on billing audit cases (Ministry of Health Billing Integrity Program).
An important project early in his career was his participation in a Price Waterhouse assessment of economic loss of Japanese-Canadians interned during the second world war. Another major project was his review of the college funding formula for the BC Ministry of Advanced Education.
Sciences, Engineering, and Technology
Clients include: YVR Airport Authority (modelling energy usage), Verathon (medical device development), LightIntegra Technology (medical device development), Prism Engineering (energy savings), BC Hydro Power Smart (transformers and rectifiers), Quorum Consulting (Canadian freight rail service review), Transport Consulting Ltd. (rail transit capacity study), QLT PhotoTherapeutics Inc., BC Forest Products (analysis of log‑scaling practices), BC Research Inc. (forest biotechnology, occupational health), Fisheries Research Branch of the BC Ministry of the Environment, Govt. of Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Cominco Ltd. (lead exposure assessments), Norecol Environmental Consultants (pesticide use), and many more.